Uriel Septim VII

De La Grande Bibliotheque de Tamriel
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  • Date de naissance : inconnue
  • Date de décès : 3E 433

A la mort de Pelagius IV en 3E 368, après un règne extraordinairment long de 49 ans, Tamriel était plus uni que jamais. C'est son fils, Uriel Septim VII, qui lui succéda.

Le dernier Empereur en date, son Impressionnante et Terrible Majesté, Uriel VII, possèdait la patience de sa grande-tante Morihatha, l'habileté politique de son grand-oncle Uriel VI, et le talent tactique de son arrière-grand-oncle Uriel V. Pendant 65 années

Dernier Empereur de Tamriel, il mourra assassiné et sans héritiers connus alors que l'Empire se morcelle et que des hordes de Daedra venant de l'Oblivion attaquent toute la province de Cyrodiil.

For twenty-one years he reigned and brought justice and order to Tamriel.

Uriel VII was betrayed by the imperial battlemage Jagar Tharn and was imprisoned in a dimension of Tharn's creation in 3E 389. Tharn used his magic of illusion to assume the Emperor's aspect. For the next ten years, Tharn used Imperial priveleges, but did not continue Uriel VII's schedule of reconquest. It is not entirely known yet what Tharn's goals and personal accomplishments were during the ten years he imitated his liege lord.

Tharn was eventually defeated in 3E 399 by an unamed hero who freed Uriel VII from his other dimensional cell. Since his release, Uriel VII has worked diligently to renew the battle to reunite Tamriel. Tharn's interference broke the momentuum, but the years since then have proven that the glorious golden age of Tiber Septim may be visited on Tamriel once again.