Rurelion's observation

De La Grande Bibliotheque de Tamriel
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Original media : TES Online

By Rurelion

Temple of the Mourning Springs

Observation #1

This catacomb is filled with corpses, and not one of them a Khajiit. Each appears to have died in battle, yet special attention and care was provided in preparing their bodies. Whoever constructed this place must respect death immensely—even that of their enemies.

Observation #2

We've found the water's source: something locals call the Mourning Stone. It's a wondrous orb, rippling with elemental power. I can sense its connection to the water rushing beneath our feet, surging to the central ruins. I hope Ealcil understands why we must proceed with caution.

Observation #3

Why do the dead need all this water? Spikes array below the floorplates in this chamber. Are they intended to keep visitors out, or do they have some other purpose?

Something lingers in the dark. I must step lightly.
