Méta:Christiane Meister

De La Grande Bibliotheque de Tamriel
Révision datée du 23 novembre 2012 à 19:47 par Shadow she-wolf (discussion | contributions) (Ajout d'une petite citation...)
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Christiane Meister, 2008

Christiane Meister est une employée de Bethesda Softworks en temps que Lead Character Artist.

Biologiste de formation, elle pourrait être la créatrice de certaines espèces animales ou végétales ou encore être l'auteur de livres tels que Biologie et phylogénie raciales, mais ce n'est qu'une pure supposition.
Son pseudo sur le forum officiel est Marverique.



On High Elves (02/07/01)

From what I understand, the High Elves in Morrowind are far from effeminate. True, their culture revolves around looks, but in a rather harsh way. In fact, they will kill any offspring that do not fit the "ideal". Perhaps this is one of the reasons that their race is on the decline... low birth rates aside.

On Bonemold (03/30/01)

Bonemold armor comes from ground up bones and is mixed with resin and left to set in a...mold. Kinda like plaster of Paris but much tougher I believe they use bug shells as some of the molds, thus giving a bug-like appearance to that armor as well. Why not just use chitin then? Well, apparently this paste, once set is much stronger than chitin. Chitin is very easily punctured by pointy things, unless it's a weevil - those suckers are tough to pin. :)

Differences between male and female Argonians (09/05/01)

You may actually be able to tell males and females appart. Clothed or no. The careful observer will note that male Argonians have larger crests or horns often augmented with gold and earings. The females generally have very short horns, but they like to dress themselves up with jewelry and feathers. Another distinguishing factor is that males are much more brightly colored than the drab females. If you have no basis for comparison, always look in the eyes as there is no typical mammalian physiological dimorphism. Females always have red eyes.

Differences between male and female Khajiits (09/06/01)

Actually, the one in the background of that screenshot is a female. The females tend to be darker in coloration and have larger, rounder eyes as well as typical humanoid (albeit fur covered) female physiology. They have also succumbed to human fashion whims by wearing earrings, of a feminine design - not those hoop earrings the males are so fond of.

Argonians' expression (17/08/11)

Argonians can smile but it's all toothy and looks almost like a snarl. Will you get close enough to find out the difference?