The Sea Giant's Landing
Révision datée du 23 juin 2020 à 06:36 par Goultard (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « {{Book|developpeur=|auteur=|titre auteur=|date=|source={{média|Online}}|commentaire=|resume=|sous titre=|auteurIRL=|dateIRL=|langue=en}} - The Sea Giant's ship is massive... »)
Original media : TES Online
- The Sea Giant's ship is massive, but must be called small relative to the Giant itself. Estimate: No more than four Sea Giants could have come aground in such a craft, and it was likely piloted by just one. - Ship shows no signs of unnatural damage. Surmise: The Sea Giant deliberately came to Western Skyrim and was likely not blown off course or fleeing from any sort of danger. - Ship is still seaworthy. Suggestion: Investigate nearby coves for signs of Sea Giant landings. This may not be its first, or final, destination. When the sun sets, I'll sneak onto the Sea Giant's ship. The creature seems dull and unobservant, so I'm confident it won't notice me. |