Unsent Letter From Qumih at-Tamina

De La Grande Bibliotheque de Tamriel
Révision datée du 18 décembre 2016 à 14:29 par Chapichapo (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « {{Book|developpeur=|auteur=Qumih at-Tamina|titre auteur=|date= |source=TES Online|commentaire=|resume=|sous titre=|auteurIRL=|dateIRL=|langue=EN}} Esme, The dig prog... »)
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Original media : TES Online

By Qumih at-Tamina


The dig progresses well. We've found all sorts of incredible things here. I know you don't like it when I spend all of my ink talking about rocks, but they are very interesting rocks.

Remember Lozruth and Sharela? The hammer and chisel, inseparable partners? For the first time, they seem at odds with one another. All about this tomb we've uncovered.

I've stayed out of it, of course. I really don't know which of them is right. It's the strangest thing, an Orc tomb with a door that clearly depicts—

I've done it again, haven't I, my love?

I'll be able to return home within a fortnight. Research will undoubtedly continue here for far longer, but my part is done.

Kiss Tilly for me. Tell her to look up at the Steed and make a wish for a swift journey on my return. I long to see you both, along with the warm sands of home.

I've sent along gold enough to last you both until I return. And a little something extra for you, my dearest.

