De La Grande Bibliotheque de Tamriel
Comment : Transcribed by ear
Shunatei, shunatei
The belly of regret
These feelings of despair
That I cannot forget
Shunatei, shunatei
Why do you last?
Why do I cling
To my troubled past?
Despair over lost ones
Those I must avenge
Hatred and sadness
A thirst for revenge
They blind me from reaching the path ahead
And so I am lost to my dread
Shunatei, shunatei
The belly of regret
These feelings of despair
That I cannot forget
Shunatei, shunatei
It strikes me blind
If I move ahead
I can't look behind
I will become like the river below
I will clear the rubble of my hate and woe
I will release these dark thoughts that cloud my mind
I'll leave what has been behind
Shunatei, shunatei
You haunt me no more
For my heart is the bird
That has learned to soar
Shunatei, shunatei
I will ascend
For all that has begun
One day must end