Regarding Your Loss

De La Grande Bibliotheque de Tamriel
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Original media : TES 5 : Skyrim

By Reginn Limilus

Lady Maven Black-Briar,

I've made inquiries into the loss of your mead shipment to Cyrodiil, and I've come to the conclusion that they were waylaid by a group of mercenaries under the employ of the Empire. According to my sources, these mercenaries were not acting under orders and simply attacked the caravan for supplies. I've forwarded a request for compensation on your behalf to the Imperial Council and the mercenaries in question have already been dealt with accordingly. Again, I wish to extend my deepest apologies for this unfortunate mishap and I assure you that any future shipments into our nation will be met at the border by an Imperial patrol and personally escorted to its final destination.

Reginn Limilus

Grand Steward, Imperial City Trade Relations