Deep Thoughts of Chief Gloorot

De La Grande Bibliotheque de Tamriel
Révision datée du 13 janvier 2017 à 09:39 par Chapichapo (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « {{Book|sous titre=|auteur=Chief Gloorot|titre auteur=|date=|source=TES Online|commentaire=|langue=en}} Why does the sky look like my echatere's fur after she's rolled... »)
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Original media : TES Online

By Chief Gloorot

Why does the sky look like my echatere's fur after she's rolled in the mud?

Trinimac or Malacath? Why choose? I say we just ignore them both and let bygones be bygones.

If I were a tree, I think that would be the perfect existence. Except for the birds. I hate birds.

Tusk off or tusk you? Why choose?

If I had a think-wife, she could think my deep thoughts while I do other things.

Where does the wind come from? And where does it go? These are the things that keep me up at night.

Should Orcs bow down to a king? Come to think of it, if he was a real Orc king, he'd never ask us to bow down anyway. Orcs don't do that sort of thing.

It's always best to spin turnips before eating. They taste better when they're dizzy.

Winterborn: Threat or annoyance?

Argonians: People or luggage and outer garments that deliver themselves?

I think the radish is the perfect food, spicy and crunchy. Damn. Now I'm hungry.