Reanimation Specimen Collection
Révision datée du 27 mars 2018 à 21:32 par Chapichapo (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « {{Book|developpeur=|auteur=|titre auteur=|date=|source=TES Online|commentaire=|resume=|sous titre=|auteurIRL=|dateIRL=|langue=en}} At the master's behest we are to re... »)
Original media : TES Online
At the master's behest we are to recover suitable live and deceased animal specimens. These resources are of vital importance to his research, so consider carefully your attitude toward this task. Large quadrupedal specimens are preferred, though any creature may yield something of value. A mammoth or wamasu would be a find of significant value, and rewarded accordingly, though the danger they pose is likely beyond most of you. |