Letter to King Maxevian
Révision datée du 12 février 2017 à 16:31 par Chapichapo (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « {{Book|sous titre=|auteur=Captain Orrent Retene|titre auteur=|date=|source=TES Online|commentaire=|langue=en}} To his most royal Highness, King Maxevian of Daggerfall... »)
Original media : TES Online
By Captain Orrent Retene
To his most royal Highness, King Maxevian of Daggerfall, My king, it is with all respect and humility that I write you once again. I have served faithfully here at Watcher's Hold since I was old enough to lift a sword. For twenty-four years my compatriots and I maintained our vigil. Our love of king and country remains strong, but morale dwindles, as do our food and supplies. Without relief, I fear we cannot long remain viable. Your majesty, we beg of you. Relieve us of our honorable duty. Your faithful servant, Captain Orrent Retene 27th Frost Fall, 2E 458 |