Aniaste's journal
Révision datée du 4 avril 2015 à 13:03 par Strikers95 (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « {{Book|developpeur=|auteur=Aniaste|titre auteur=|date= |source=TES Online|commentaire=|resume=|sous titre=|auteurIRL=|dateIRL=|langue=EN}} I meant to keep a record of... »)
Original media : TES Online
By Aniaste
I meant to keep a record of observations and experiments on the flora and fauna within Treehenge, but something's taken precedence over research. The Worm Cult's hunting mammoths. Why, I've yet to determine. But I don't trust necromancers to have altruistic intentions. Vanendil's asked me to gather as many pieces of ivory as I can carry. He's created an altar on the far side of Treehenge to free the mammoth spirits. I've mostly escaped the notice of the necromancers, but I fear it's just a matter of time before they find the both of us. |