Queen Ayrenn is intelligent and honorable, with a genuine humility rarely seen among her people but she is also a decisive leader with a stubborn streak. She is young for a High Elf—a mere 28 years old—but she spent much of the first part of her life roaming the lands and seas of Tamriel, seeking adventure and the kind of education schools cannot impart. She returned to Summerset following the death of her father to accept her position as heir to the Altmer throne. Aldmeri DominionWhen word reached the High Elves of Summerset that the Imperial City had fallen under the control of the human supporters of Molag Bal, the Aldmeri Dominion was formed. The High Elves reached out to the neighboring races of Wood Elves and Khajiit with a plea that their combined forces might prevent the younger races of Tamriel from bringing disaster to the world, as they had so many times in the past. The High Elves were the original settlers of Tamriel and created the common tongue used throughout the continent today. They are also naturally proficient with magic. The Wood Elves inhabit the thick, near-impenetrable forests of Valenwood. They are supreme hunters, guides, and masters in sneaking and thievery. They are also the most gifted archers in all of Tamriel. The Khajiit, a proud feline race, are fearsome warriors, proficient with bladed weapons. They stand proudly at the forefront of every battle. The power and determination of the Aldmeri Dominion should not be underestimated.
Ebonheart Pact
The Ebonheart Pact is worrisome if they manage to truly set aside the longstanding conflicts between one another. Right now, they are too divided to stand against us for long.