Caught him !
Révision datée du 25 février 2015 à 21:14 par Strikers95 (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « {{Book|developpeur=|auteur=Anonymous|titre auteur=|date= |source=TES Online|commentaire=|resume=|sous titre=|auteurIRL=|dateIRL=|langue=EN}} We caught some Forebear b... »)
Original media : TES Online
By Anonymous
We caught some Forebear bastard sneaking around today. He's probably the one that's been causing my overseers to vanish. He managed to kill one of my men and injure two others, but he's ours now. He'll wish for death by the time I'm done with him. He's yet to say why he's here, but he'll talk soon enough. |