The Night Mother watches
Révision datée du 10 mars 2021 à 10:55 par Goultard (discussion | contributions) (Remplacement de texte — « La Mère de la Nuit veille » par « La Mère de la nuit vous observe »)
Original media : TES Online
By Slim-Jah
Though you were not born under the sign of the Shadow, it does not mean Sithis or the Night Mother ignores your pleas. Pray to them and you shall gain power. Kill in their name, and they will respect you. Stand up for the heritage of our people. Do not be swayed by Uta-Tei and her followers. Practicing the Wood Elf religion is heresy! She cannot see that we will become slaves once again if we do not act. You were chosen as one of my hunters for a reason. We will fight together, we will die together! -Slim-Jah |