Maliah's Journal
Révision datée du 3 juillet 2018 à 15:40 par Strikers95 (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « {{Book|developpeur=|auteur=Maliah|titre auteur=|date=|source=TES Online|commentaire=|resume=A Clockwork pilgrim's fateful journal|sous titre=|auteurIRL=|dateIRL=|langu... »)
Original media : TES Online
By Maliah A Clockwork pilgrim's fateful journal
"Magus commands you." Such a simple phrase, yet so full of power! I finally acquired the pass phrase to unlock the secrets of the obsolete analysis factotums. The sacred text of Sotha Sil's honored assistant was instrumental in my discovery. I wonder what the mechanical creature will tell me when I finally locate it and speak the phrase. My hope is that it will provide me with the means to finally make a better life for me and my son. |