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{{Infobox Conflit
{{Book|developpeur=1|auteurIRL= ||source=[https://www.imperial-library.info/content/multipart-book/gold-coast-roleplay The Imperial Library]|commentaire="Cet article regroupe la correspondance de trois personnes ainsi que des extraits de leurs journaux". Cet échange fait partie du ''ESO Gold Coast Twitter Roleplay'', un échange réalisé sur Twitter afin de servir de prologue au DLC d'ESO [[TESO:TES Online/DLC/Dark Brotherhood|Dark Brotherhood]]. L'échange est présenté dans son ordre chronologique, en mélangeant les auteurs. Traduction établie par la GBT.|sous titre=|auteur=Albus Casca, Mariana Casca, Tahm Casca|titre auteur=|date=2E 582|resume=|langue=fr}}
| nom                    = Coalescence
| image_illustration      =  
[[Fichier:ON-icon-store-Dark Brotherhood.png|center]]  
| descr_illustration      =
{{Cadre NGI
| date                    = 2E 579 - 2E582
|texte='''Extrait du journal de Tahm Casca'''<br>
| lieu                    = [[Tamriel]]
{{Lettrine|"T}}he Gold Coast is a dangerous place. Only Casca’s Casks keep coin concealed.” Count Carolus will appreciate my wit!
| issue                  = Transformation du Vestige en avatar d'Akatosh<br>
Retour de l'Empereur [[Varen Aquilarios]]<br>
Epuisement des pouvoirs de l'[[Amulette des Rois]]<br>
Cessez-le-feu entre les Alliances
| combattants1            =Tout Tamriel<br>
[[Pacte de Coeurébène]]<br>
[[Alliance de Daguefilante]]<br>
[[Domaine aldmeri]]<br>
| combattants2            =<br>
Forces de [[Molag Bal]]<br>
[[Culte des Vers]]
| commandant1            =<br>
| commandant2            =[[Molag Bal]]<br>
Another sale lost to my accursed rival! He even had the gall to smile at me. May Vendal Gurges choke on his own blood!"
[[Abnur Tharn]]<br>
[[Fichier:AncresNoires.jpg|600px|vignette|centré|Les Ancres noires s'abattent autour de Cyrodil]]
'''<big>La Coalescence</big>'''<br />
Événement se produisant entre 2E 579 et 2E 582, lors de l'[[Interrègne]]. Il consiste en la tentative du Prince daedroth [[Molag Bal]] de faire fusionner Nirn avec son propre plan, [[Havreglace]].
== Les prémices ==
'''Extrait du journal d'Albus Casca'''<br>
La Coalescence fut un phénomène planifié de longue date par le Prince de la Domination et ses séides et ses racines remonteraient à la chute de l'Empire.
{{Lettrine|"A}} nice year for the coffers. Who knew “Provincial Governer’s personal lighthouse tender” would be so profitable?
L'Empire de Réman s'effondre en 2E 430 avec l'assassinat du [[Potentat]] [[Savirien-Chorak]]. Rapidement, des forces coalisées venant de la Crevasse et dirigées par [[Durcorach]] s'emparent du trône et tentent de rétablir par la force l'unité de l'Empire. Durcorach s'allie à la [[Maison Tharn]], protectrice de longue date de l'Empire.
Après trois générations, la dynastie s'éteint et est remplacée en 2E 576 par [[Varen Aquilarios]], un seigneur colovien. Manquant de légitimité, il est convaincu par Mannimarco de rassembler des compagnons et d'aller chercher l'[[Amulette des rois]].
Trompé par Mannimarco, Varen disparaît en 2E 578, alors que les compagnons provoquent à leur insu l'[[Éruption des âmes]], seconde étape importante avant le début de la Coalescence. Le Roi des Vers dirige l'empire dans l'ombre, Abnur Tharn et sa fille, l'impératrice Clivia, en étant la face visible.
L'Empire sombre totalement dans le chaos et trois factions composées de provinces coalisées se battent pour la suprématie de Nirn. Molag Bal profite de cette triple guerre pour utiliser l'Amulette des rois et lancer la Coalescence.
== Le Vestige, les Ancres et la guerre civile ==
Des portes vers l'Oblivion, ayant la forme de disques horizontaux, s'ouvrent partout en Tamriel. De puissants et gigantesques artefacts, les ancres noires, en surgissent, s'ancrant à de mystérieuses constructions antiques, les dolmens. Ces sites sont les points d'ancrages permettant à Molag Bal de maintenir son plan dans l'axe de Nirn, et d'attirer progressivement celle-ci dans son domaine. Par conséquent, ils sont gardés par les forces daedriques et mortelles du Prince.  
=== Événements de la guerre civile ===
Lord Jarol’s sent word of another ship in need of diversion, the night we’re to visit Tahm in Kvatch. I’ll make my excuses."
* Combats de héros pour détruire les ancres noires
* Les Chante-Tombe en Hauteroche
* Le Culte du Ver en Bordeciel et le Géant Sinmur
* Les Malmenaît en Morrowind ???
=== Parcours du Vestige ===
'''Correspondance entre Albus Casca et Tahm Casca '''
En parallèle, un mortel enfermé en Havreglace, connu sous le nom du [[Vestige]], est libéré par un prêtre de la Phalène et une des membres des Compagnons de l'Empereur, [[Lyris Titan]] et parvint à s'enfuir sur Nirn. Il parcourt alors Tamriel afin de détruire les ancres et rassembler les Compagnons de l'Empereur, afin de refaire le rituel. De nombreux autres héros, comme [[Malkur Valos]], (et les 3 du trailer de lancement) abattent eux aussi les ancres et mènent des raids contre les forces daedriques ou de Mannimarco.  
    I hope your meeting with Count Carolus went well. Being your silent partner means I can avoid dealing with royalty! -Albus
== Fin de la Coalescence ==
    You’re rarely silent, big brother. And it went quite well. Quite well! Our fortunes are ever on the rise. -Tahm
*Siège de la Cité impériale
*Réunion des Cinq Compagnon
*Coalition des trois blocs contre Molag Bal
*Raid en Havreglace
*Apothéose du Vestige en Avatar d'Akatosh
== Notes et références ==
    Good, good. I hope you won’t mind if I postpone my visit? Mari is concerned about danger on the roads. -Albus
[[Catégorie:Évènements historiques]]
    Not at all! So many fine points to work out with Count Carolus. The Wolf of Kvatch hungers for details! -Tahm
    Of course. Details. You should visit us soon and tell me all about them. Perhaps over dinner, at our humble home? -Albus
    Yes, wonderful! It will be good to spend time with you and Mariana. I do so enjoy the view from the lighthouse. - Tahm
{{Cadre NGI
|texte='''Extrait du journal de Mariana Casca'''<br>
{{Lettrine|"T}}he way Albus told it, tending the lighthouse in Anvil would be a romantic life. So far, it’s just lonely. And quite drafty.
Albus has another stomach affliction. These only came about when we moved to the lighthouse. Is it the water, perhaps?
A piping bowl of red mushroom soup did the trick. There is still some tension about him, but Albus is nearly himself again.
Albus couldn’t sleep last night. I heard him pacing up to the tower. I hope the evening breeze settled him."
'''Extrait du journal d'Albus Casca'''<br>
{{Lettrine|"I}}t’s done. The light is doused. Tonight the Skewers claim another prize. Tomorrow, Lord Jarol’s man delivers my cut."
'''Correspondance entre Mariana Casca et Albus Casca'''
    Darling, have you heard? There was another shipwreck upon the Skewers! -Mariana
    Yes, such a tragedy. No doubt the Provincial Governor will send her Red Sails to recover the cargo. -Albus
    Just cargo? But what about the poor sailors who survived the wreck? -Mariana
    I don’t expect Governer Fortunata’s ships to return with survivors. The Skewers are called that for a reason. -Albus
{{Cadre NGI
|texte='''Extrait du journal de Mariana Casca'''<br>
{{Lettrine|"L}}ast night there were three deaths outside the bank! Travelers, I heard. Anvil is far more dangerous than I’d like it to be."
'''Extrait du journal d' Albus Casca'''<br>
{{Lettrine|"S}}till no word from Lord Jarol’s man. I’ve done my part, haven’t I? Twelve ships in a year should earn me prompt payment!
Lord Jarol’s man was slain outside the Bank of Anvil! My cut is gone. Tahm will be here soon. He’ll come through, I know it."
'''Extrait du journal de Tahm Casca'''<br>
{{Lettrine|"P}}raise Akatosh! Mariana’s care for my brother buys me time. I’m sunk if Albus learns the state of his investment.
What sort of fool saddles a highland wolf and parades it through Kvatch like he’s the Count himself? That fool Vendal Gurges!
When I mentioned Gurges’s highland wolf to Count Carolus, he complimented its fine breeding! How am I to compete with that?
I dipped into Albus’s share to purchase the finest highland wolf in the Gold Coast. Vendal Gurges shall inflate with envy!
That went about as well as I expected. At least the food was delicious. Red mushroom soup, according to Mariana.
'''Lettre de Mariana à Tahm et Albus'''
    So wonderful to host my brother-in-law for dinner!
    Yes, wonderful! It will be good to spend time with you and Mariana. I do so enjoy the view from the lighthouse. -Tahm
{{Cadre NGI
|texte='''Extrait du journal d' Albus Casca'''<br>
{{Lettrine|"T}}hat arrogant simpleton spent half my share on a riding wolf. A riding wolf! Am I investing in a damned kennel, now?
Lord Jarol knows I had nothing to do with the killings of his men, doesn’t he? Should I write him about the payment?
I wrote Lord Jarol, despite the risks. It’s up to the Eight Divines now. Still, I’ll visit the Chapel of Dibella tonight."

Version actuelle datée du 24 janvier 2025 à 18:23

Texte de développeur
Média d'origine : The Imperial Library
Commentaire : "Cet article regroupe la correspondance de trois personnes ainsi que des extraits de leurs journaux". Cet échange fait partie du ESO Gold Coast Twitter Roleplay, un échange réalisé sur Twitter afin de servir de prologue au DLC d'ESO Dark Brotherhood. L'échange est présenté dans son ordre chronologique, en mélangeant les auteurs. Traduction établie par la GBT.

Par Albus Casca, Mariana Casca, Tahm Casca, 2E 582


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ON-icon-store-Dark Brotherhood.png

Extrait du journal de Tahm Casca

he Gold Coast is a dangerous place. Only Casca’s Casks keep coin concealed.” Count Carolus will appreciate my wit!

Another sale lost to my accursed rival! He even had the gall to smile at me. May Vendal Gurges choke on his own blood!"

Extrait du journal d'Albus Casca

nice year for the coffers. Who knew “Provincial Governer’s personal lighthouse tender” would be so profitable?

Lord Jarol’s sent word of another ship in need of diversion, the night we’re to visit Tahm in Kvatch. I’ll make my excuses."

Correspondance entre Albus Casca et Tahm Casca

   I hope your meeting with Count Carolus went well. Being your silent partner means I can avoid dealing with royalty! -Albus
   You’re rarely silent, big brother. And it went quite well. Quite well! Our fortunes are ever on the rise. -Tahm
   Good, good. I hope you won’t mind if I postpone my visit? Mari is concerned about danger on the roads. -Albus
   Not at all! So many fine points to work out with Count Carolus. The Wolf of Kvatch hungers for details! -Tahm
   Of course. Details. You should visit us soon and tell me all about them. Perhaps over dinner, at our humble home? -Albus
   Yes, wonderful! It will be good to spend time with you and Mariana. I do so enjoy the view from the lighthouse. - Tahm

Extrait du journal de Mariana Casca

he way Albus told it, tending the lighthouse in Anvil would be a romantic life. So far, it’s just lonely. And quite drafty.

Albus has another stomach affliction. These only came about when we moved to the lighthouse. Is it the water, perhaps?

A piping bowl of red mushroom soup did the trick. There is still some tension about him, but Albus is nearly himself again.

Albus couldn’t sleep last night. I heard him pacing up to the tower. I hope the evening breeze settled him."

Extrait du journal d'Albus Casca

t’s done. The light is doused. Tonight the Skewers claim another prize. Tomorrow, Lord Jarol’s man delivers my cut."

Correspondance entre Mariana Casca et Albus Casca

   Darling, have you heard? There was another shipwreck upon the Skewers! -Mariana
   Yes, such a tragedy. No doubt the Provincial Governor will send her Red Sails to recover the cargo. -Albus
   Just cargo? But what about the poor sailors who survived the wreck? -Mariana
   I don’t expect Governer Fortunata’s ships to return with survivors. The Skewers are called that for a reason. -Albus

Extrait du journal de Mariana Casca

ast night there were three deaths outside the bank! Travelers, I heard. Anvil is far more dangerous than I’d like it to be."

Extrait du journal d' Albus Casca

till no word from Lord Jarol’s man. I’ve done my part, haven’t I? Twelve ships in a year should earn me prompt payment!

Lord Jarol’s man was slain outside the Bank of Anvil! My cut is gone. Tahm will be here soon. He’ll come through, I know it."

Extrait du journal de Tahm Casca

raise Akatosh! Mariana’s care for my brother buys me time. I’m sunk if Albus learns the state of his investment.

What sort of fool saddles a highland wolf and parades it through Kvatch like he’s the Count himself? That fool Vendal Gurges!

When I mentioned Gurges’s highland wolf to Count Carolus, he complimented its fine breeding! How am I to compete with that?

I dipped into Albus’s share to purchase the finest highland wolf in the Gold Coast. Vendal Gurges shall inflate with envy!

That went about as well as I expected. At least the food was delicious. Red mushroom soup, according to Mariana.

Lettre de Mariana à Tahm et Albus

   So wonderful to host my brother-in-law for dinner!
   Yes, wonderful! It will be good to spend time with you and Mariana. I do so enjoy the view from the lighthouse. -Tahm

Extrait du journal d' Albus Casca

hat arrogant simpleton spent half my share on a riding wolf. A riding wolf! Am I investing in a damned kennel, now?

Lord Jarol knows I had nothing to do with the killings of his men, doesn’t he? Should I write him about the payment?

I wrote Lord Jarol, despite the risks. It’s up to the Eight Divines now. Still, I’ll visit the Chapel of Dibella tonight."
