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Le '''Culte Impérial''' est l'une des deux religions officielles de l'[[Empire de Cyrodiil]], à ne pas confondre avec le [[Culte Alessien]], qui a été la seconde religion officielle de l'Empire. Le Culte Impérial est un culte polythéiste centré autour des figures des Huit Divins, auxquelles est parfois ajouté un neuvième, les huit dieux-planètes qui gravitent autour de [[Nirn]].
== Dramatis Personæ ==
== Histoire ==
{{Dramatis/Entrée|personnage=Phrastus of Elhinir|description=Scholar|interprète=[[Méta:Lawrence Schick|Lawrence Schick]]}}
{{Dramatis/Entrée|personnage=A Daedra Seducer|description=|interprète=Jessica Folsom}}
{{Dramatis/Entrée|personnage=Seeker 1|description=|interprète=Nights Knigth}}
{{Dramatis/Entrée|personnage=Seeker 2|description=|interprète=}}
== Le panthéon ==
== The Interview ==
== Principes éthiques et croyances ==
Summoning the Sage
=== Genèse du monde ===
" Chant de Shezarr " des Cyrodiléens (le plus populaire des milliers de récits concernant le mythe de la Création) (Lorkhan en tant que Shezarr)
Ce que Shezarr décrivit aux divinités était pour eux une chose nouvelle : devenir père et mère, être responsable, et faire des sacrifices sans garantie de succès. Mais Shezzar leur parla sagement et les guida au-delà des mystères et des larmes. Ainsi les Daedra engendrèrent le monde, les bêtes et les êtres, créant ces choses à partir d'eux-mêmes. Ces naissances furent douloureuses et après, les Daedra n'étaient plus jeunes, ils n'étaient plus forts et n'étaient plus puissants comme depuis le début des temps.
'''Seducer:''' ''Phrastus? You're there? Is this Phrastus?
Certains Daedra étaient perturbés et amers d'avoir perdu une partie d'eux-mêmes et ils en voulurent à Shezarr et à toute la Création car ils pensaient que Shezarr leur avait menti et qu'il s'était joué d'eux. Ces Daedra, les divinités aldmers, menés par Auri-El, furent écoeurés par leur aspect affaibli et par ce qu'ils avaient créé :
'''Phrastus:''' ''What is this place, young lady? And how did I get here? What is this...is it some sort of Oblivion realm? And what are you? Some kind of seducer?
" Tout est corrompu aujourd'hui et pour l'éternité et le moins que nous puissions faire est d'enseigner aux Elfes à souffrir avec noblesse, avec dignité et nous châtier nous-mêmes pour notre folie et nous venger de Shezarr ainsi que de ses alliés. "
'''Seducer:''' ''We just wanted to ask you some questions, you Scholarness, if you don’t mind?
Ainsi sont les divinités des Elfes, sombres et aigries et ainsi sont les Elfes, toujours insatisfaits, fiers et stoïques malgré les difficultés de ce monde cruel et indifférent.
'''Phrastus:''' ''Well, whatever went rough, I assure you I had nothing to do with it!
D'autres Daedra regardèrent la Création et furent satisfaits. Ces Daedra, les divinités des hommes et des peuples des bêtes, menés par Akatosh, louaient et chérissaient les races mortelles :
'''Seducer:''' ''Not those kind of question Phrastus, don’t worry about it, it’s just the usual type of questions for a sage like yourself.
" Nous avons souffert et nous sommes affaiblis, pour l'éternité, mais le monde mortel que nous avons engendré est glorieux, et il emplit nos âmes et nos coeurs d'espoir. Enseignons à ces races de mortels à vivre bien, à chérir la beauté et l'honneur, à s'aimer les uns les autres comme nous les aimons. "
'''Phrastus:''' ''And send me back to Nirn? ...all right… let’s start, the sooner the better.
Ainsi sont les divinités des hommes, tendres et patientes, ainsi sont les hommes et les peuples des bêtes, courageux dans la joie et la souffrance, avides de sagesse et d'un monde meilleur.
'''Seeker 1:''' ''Certainly, certainly.
Mais quand les seigneurs Daedra entendent Shezarr, ils se moquent de lui et des autres Daedra :
'''Phrastus:''' ''All right... hum well... and who are you ?
" Nous priver d'une partie de nous-mêmes ? Et les perdre ? A tout jamais ? C'est ridicule ! Vous le regretterez ! Nous sommes plus intelligents que vous et nous créerons un nouveau monde pour nous mais nous ne sacrifierons rien et nous ne le laisserons pas se moquer de nous car nous ferons ce monde en nous-mêmes. Il sera nôtre à tout jamais et nous le contrôlerons complètement. "
'''Seeker 1:''' ''Oh, who am I ? Well, I go by many names, and, you see, our sphere of influences is obscured from mortals… but, think of someone like a quester, a question asker.
Alors les seigneurs Daedra créèrent les royaumes daedriques et tous les Daedra inférieurs, grands ou petits. Pour la plupart, les seigneurs Daedra furent satisfaits car ils avaient toujours des adeptes, des serviteurs et des jouets à portée de main. Mais ils regardaient encore avec envie les royaumes mortels car bien que les mortels fussent immondes, faibles et méprisables, leurs passions et leurs ambitions étaient beaucoup plus amusantes que celles des Daedra inférieurs. Aussi les seigneurs Daedra courtisèrent et séduisirent certains spécimens des races mortelles, surtout ceux qui étaient passionnés et puissants. Cela était agréable aux seigneurs Daedra de voler à Shezarr et aux Daedra les mortels les plus grands et les plus ambitieux :
'''Phrastus:''' ''Is it why you have two mouths in your chin ? And where did you get that extra eye ? This is creepy…
" Non seulement vous êtes assez stupides pour vous mutiler, se moquèrent les seigneurs Daedra, mais vous n'êtes même pas capables de garder vos meilleures pièces qui préfèrent la gloire et la puissance des seigneurs Daedra à la faible vulgarité des Daedra. "
'''Seeker 1:''' ''It’s all part of the theme. Like, you know, the mountains, the sky, the things that come on the ground, don’t look bottom by the way.
=== Les commandements ===
Que l’intercession de Sainte Alessia vous emplisse de grâce ! Que la force et la sagesse que vous y puiserez permettent à ces enseignements de vous dévoiler le véritable sens des Neuf Divins et de Leur gloire ! Pour que l’esprit humain puisse les saisir, les moult subtilités de la vérité et de la vertu ne sauraient être rendues, même si le parchemin des cieux s’était déroulé à l’infini pour recevoir les paroles tracées par l’encre des océans sans fonds. Akatosh, dans Son immense sagesse, connaissant l’impatience de l’homme et sa répugnance à gravir les sentiers ardus de la vérité, a révélé ces dix simples commandements, d’une clarté univoque et d’une concision infinie.
'''Phrastus:''' ''Let’s get started ! The sooner we get started, the sooner we can finish and I can go back to my nap time.
1. Stendarr dit : "Sois doux et généreux envers les gens de Tamriel. Protège le pauvre, soigne le malade et donne au nécessiteux."
'''Seeker 1:''' ''All right, who’d like to begin?
2. Arkay dit : "honore la terre, ses créatures et les esprits des vivants et des morts. Protège et entretiens les bienfaits du monde mortel et ne profane pas les esprits des morts."
3. Mara dit : "Vis sobrement et paisiblement. Honore tes parents, préserve la paix et la sécurité de ta maison et de ta famille."
4. Zenithar dit : "Travaille dur et tu seras récompensé. Dépense judicieusement et tu vivras bien. Ne vole point, ou tu seras puni."
5. Talos dit : "Sois fort pour la guerre. Sois courageux face aux ennemis et au mal et défends le peuple de Tamriel."
6. Kynareth dit : "Utilise à bon escient les bienfaits de la Nature. Respecte son pouvoir et crains sa colère."
7. Dibella dit : "Ouvre ton coeur aux nobles secrets des arts et de l’amour. Chéris les bienfaits de l’amitié. Recherche la joie et l’inspiration dans les mystères de l’amour."
8. Julianos dit : "Connais la vérité. Observe la loi. En cas de doute, recherche la sagesse auprès des sages."
9. Akatosh dit : "Sers ton empereur et obéis-lui. Etudie les conventions. Vénère les Neuf, fais ton devoir et observe les commandements des saints et des prêtres."
10. Les Neuf disent : "Avant tout, sois bon avec ton prochain."
'''Seeker 2:''' ''That will be yo, double-mouth.
Si seulement chacun pouvait regarder dans le miroir de ces commandements et y voir la béatitude qui l’attend. S’il servait dans le strict respect de ces commandements, il deviendrait humble et contrit. Vivant dans la non observance de ces commandements, l’homme sot tourne le dos à la sagesse que lui ont accordé les Neuf sages et omnipotents pour vivre dans le péché et l’ignorance chaque jour de sa vie.
'''Seeker 1:''' ''Fine, just fine. You think that because I have two mouths I have to do all the talking. Companions, I mean honestly!
=== La vie et la mort ===
== Personnages sacrés ==
'''Seeker 1:''' ''There was an elf, a Bosmer I talked to recently, and he had a ??? question, I had no idea why he didn't know this. For you see, I like to ask about Bosmer and antlers. You see, last time this has been asked, as far as I understand, I had heard that Bosmer have a lot of cosmetic or prosthetic I expose antlers on their brows, as if you had them magically grown from their skulls. My question is : I’ve about three stages of antlers growths, when observing things. It makes far more sense - to me at least that they relate to the chaos times, to some god like Hircine or Y’ffre. Where do these things come from?
== Lieux sacrés ==
'''Phrastus:''' ''Well, I’ve never been to Valenwood, but I would caution you against assuming any single or simple answer about any matter involved with those retrogrades Wood Elves. Though I dare say most antlers worn by bosmers are cosmetic and removable. But I myself have met a tree thane who had a magnificent six foot rack right out of his cranium, and it was no prosthetic! Now he told me that he had it magically grown upon assuming his title as a symbol of his authority. The spells was sang, yes SANG, by a particular kind of Y'ffre priest called a name-spinner. She was able to perceive the tree thane’s protonimic, chanting new things into it, thus actually changing the tree thane’s physical form. So it told me. Well... if you trust the word of a Bosmer.
== Notes et références ==
'''Seeker 2:''' ''I am playing an Ashlander who eventually wants to break away from his group and form his own tribe. How are the Ashkhan and wisewoman selected in an Ashlander tribe ? Is there a particular ritual or challenge they have to go through to earn these titles, and when a previous Ashkhan is replaced, must he be killed in the process, or can he just lose his title and continue living with the tribe ?
* [[Les dix commandements des Neuf Divins]]
'''Phrastus:''' ''Well, as most things, it’s not a simple thing. It’s an easy mistake to look at the gatherings of Ashlanders, and assume that because they look all very much alike to our eyes, in their dusky skinned robes, that they all have the same habits and practices. However, I assure you that variation among the Ashlander tribes can be quite significant, especially when comparing tribes geographically distant from each other. Now one of the ways in which the tribes vary from is in the way they select their Elders. In some tribes the Ashkhan must prove his strength and courage by undertaking a dangerous hunting quest, when female Ashlander can only become wisewoman in those tribes only by fasting long dreamquests alone in the wilderness. However, in other tribes, typically those which are less dogmatic and live closer to the Greathouse Dunmer, they do chose elders by vote or acclamation upon the death of the old ones, and you must decide which type of tribe is good for you.
* [[Le Monomythe]]
'''Seeker 2:''' ''Majorn the Ancient from Eastmarch is from what we’ve been told a very old vampire. In his questline, Majorn can under specific circumstances be seen transforming into a big gargoyle model, but with strange red stripes covering his body. Is Majorn the Ancient here using that infamous vampire lord form, or is this a new type of ability, a stone gargoyle transformation ? If Majorn the Ancient is in fact using a vampire lord form here, we vampire lore fans would love to know which of the following theories are right when it comes to the vampire lord transformation.
'''Phrastus:''' ''Well, it’s a long question and deserves a thorough answer. Every theory and study knows that there are many different vampire bloodlines in Tamriel, scores of them in fact. Their forms are many and varied. They’re found in every corner of the continent. Most people think of vampirism as a curse and disease, but what few know is that there is not one disease, but at least six and possibly more, that the different kinds of vampires all tend to resemble each other in the early stages, but they become more differentiated as they grow more powerful. I suspect the late stage form that you call the “vampire lord” may vary quite a bit from one curse form to another, perhaps one bloodline as well. Now, in our time, the dominant form of the disease is what we sages call “noxiphylic sanguivoria”. The late stage form of noxiphylic sanguivoria may very well vary significantly from those of the other forms which go by other names. Furthermore, they may vary by bloodline. Considering all the things that a vampires boosts through to become a so-called “vampire lord”, they may even vary from individual to individual… So I don’t think that in the case of vampires, which are inherently shape-changers, that one could rely on them looking, that on any one late stage vampire looking like any other late stage vampire. It’s just not in their nature to be orthodox there. Ah! Phratus of Elinhir does not fall so easily to the questions of (nom de l’interviewer).
'''Seeker 1:''' ''

Version du 31 mars 2015 à 10:15

Dramatis Personæ

Character Description Performer
Phrastus of Elhinir Scholar Lawrence Schick
A Daedra Seducer Jessica Folsom
Seeker 1 Nights Knigth
Seeker 2

The Interview

Summoning the Sage

Seducer: Phrastus? You're there? Is this Phrastus?

Phrastus: What is this place, young lady? And how did I get here? What is this...is it some sort of Oblivion realm? And what are you? Some kind of seducer?

Seducer: We just wanted to ask you some questions, you Scholarness, if you don’t mind?

Phrastus: Well, whatever went rough, I assure you I had nothing to do with it!

Seducer: Not those kind of question Phrastus, don’t worry about it, it’s just the usual type of questions for a sage like yourself.

Phrastus: And send me back to Nirn? ...all right… let’s start, the sooner the better.

Seeker 1: Certainly, certainly.

Phrastus: All right... hum well... and who are you ?

Seeker 1: Oh, who am I ? Well, I go by many names, and, you see, our sphere of influences is obscured from mortals… but, think of someone like a quester, a question asker.

Phrastus: Is it why you have two mouths in your chin ? And where did you get that extra eye ? This is creepy…

Seeker 1: It’s all part of the theme. Like, you know, the mountains, the sky, the things that come on the ground, don’t look bottom by the way.

Phrastus: Let’s get started ! The sooner we get started, the sooner we can finish and I can go back to my nap time.

Seeker 1: All right, who’d like to begin?

Seeker 2: That will be yo, double-mouth.

Seeker 1: Fine, just fine. You think that because I have two mouths I have to do all the talking. Companions, I mean honestly!

Seeker 1: There was an elf, a Bosmer I talked to recently, and he had a ??? question, I had no idea why he didn't know this. For you see, I like to ask about Bosmer and antlers. You see, last time this has been asked, as far as I understand, I had heard that Bosmer have a lot of cosmetic or prosthetic I expose antlers on their brows, as if you had them magically grown from their skulls. My question is : I’ve about three stages of antlers growths, when observing things. It makes far more sense - to me at least that they relate to the chaos times, to some god like Hircine or Y’ffre. Where do these things come from?

Phrastus: Well, I’ve never been to Valenwood, but I would caution you against assuming any single or simple answer about any matter involved with those retrogrades Wood Elves. Though I dare say most antlers worn by bosmers are cosmetic and removable. But I myself have met a tree thane who had a magnificent six foot rack right out of his cranium, and it was no prosthetic! Now he told me that he had it magically grown upon assuming his title as a symbol of his authority. The spells was sang, yes SANG, by a particular kind of Y'ffre priest called a name-spinner. She was able to perceive the tree thane’s protonimic, chanting new things into it, thus actually changing the tree thane’s physical form. So it told me. Well... if you trust the word of a Bosmer.

Seeker 2: I am playing an Ashlander who eventually wants to break away from his group and form his own tribe. How are the Ashkhan and wisewoman selected in an Ashlander tribe ? Is there a particular ritual or challenge they have to go through to earn these titles, and when a previous Ashkhan is replaced, must he be killed in the process, or can he just lose his title and continue living with the tribe ?

Phrastus: Well, as most things, it’s not a simple thing. It’s an easy mistake to look at the gatherings of Ashlanders, and assume that because they look all very much alike to our eyes, in their dusky skinned robes, that they all have the same habits and practices. However, I assure you that variation among the Ashlander tribes can be quite significant, especially when comparing tribes geographically distant from each other. Now one of the ways in which the tribes vary from is in the way they select their Elders. In some tribes the Ashkhan must prove his strength and courage by undertaking a dangerous hunting quest, when female Ashlander can only become wisewoman in those tribes only by fasting long dreamquests alone in the wilderness. However, in other tribes, typically those which are less dogmatic and live closer to the Greathouse Dunmer, they do chose elders by vote or acclamation upon the death of the old ones, and you must decide which type of tribe is good for you.

Seeker 2: Majorn the Ancient from Eastmarch is from what we’ve been told a very old vampire. In his questline, Majorn can under specific circumstances be seen transforming into a big gargoyle model, but with strange red stripes covering his body. Is Majorn the Ancient here using that infamous vampire lord form, or is this a new type of ability, a stone gargoyle transformation ? If Majorn the Ancient is in fact using a vampire lord form here, we vampire lore fans would love to know which of the following theories are right when it comes to the vampire lord transformation.

Phrastus: Well, it’s a long question and deserves a thorough answer. Every theory and study knows that there are many different vampire bloodlines in Tamriel, scores of them in fact. Their forms are many and varied. They’re found in every corner of the continent. Most people think of vampirism as a curse and disease, but what few know is that there is not one disease, but at least six and possibly more, that the different kinds of vampires all tend to resemble each other in the early stages, but they become more differentiated as they grow more powerful. I suspect the late stage form that you call the “vampire lord” may vary quite a bit from one curse form to another, perhaps one bloodline as well. Now, in our time, the dominant form of the disease is what we sages call “noxiphylic sanguivoria”. The late stage form of noxiphylic sanguivoria may very well vary significantly from those of the other forms which go by other names. Furthermore, they may vary by bloodline. Considering all the things that a vampires boosts through to become a so-called “vampire lord”, they may even vary from individual to individual… So I don’t think that in the case of vampires, which are inherently shape-changers, that one could rely on them looking, that on any one late stage vampire looking like any other late stage vampire. It’s just not in their nature to be orthodox there. Ah! Phratus of Elinhir does not fall so easily to the questions of (nom de l’interviewer).

Seeker 1: