New Solution Instructions

De La Grande Bibliotheque de Tamriel
Révision datée du 21 juin 2020 à 21:19 par Goultard (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « {{Book|developpeur=|auteur=|titre auteur=|date=|source={{média|Online}}|commentaire=|resume=|sous titre=|auteurIRL=|dateIRL=|langue=en}} I don't trust this stonemelt poti... »)
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Original media : TES Online

I don't trust this stonemelt potion or the chief's insistence on using it, but she's our chief and we must follow her word.

That said, I don't intend to have everyone work themselves to death to meet her production demands. Magic potions don't make the hours pass any faster down here. The deeper we go, the poorer the air quality and less stable the mine becomes. So, to meet our quotas, we will quadruple the recipe. This should achieve faster results with less time in the mine shafts.

4 parts dried shalk resin, finely ground
8 parts snow bear bile, boiled
4 part ashpit powder

Please use these instructions instead of the previous recipe until I say otherwise.
